Instruction For Authors

Manuscript Format Guidelines of the Journal of Korean Society of Environment & Ecology

1. Manuscripts should be written by using a text editing software that has a compatibility with Korean (HWP) on A4 papers in Korean (Myungjo font) or English.

2. Terms should be used as scientific terminologies enacted by the conferences or the Ministry of Science-Technology, and italicized words should be used for scientific names, etc. English notations of proper nouns should follow the rules of the Ministry of Education (est.1984).

3. Korean manuscripts should be listed in the order: title and author(s)' name(s) in Korean, title and author(s)' name(s) in English, Korean abstract, English abstract, introduction, materials and method, results, discussion (results and discussion), acknowledgements, and references. English manuscripts should be listed in the order: title and author(s)' name(s) in English, title and author(s)' name(s) in Korean, abstract, Korean abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion (results and discussion), acknowledgement, and references.

4. Authors' institutional affiliations should be presented at the upper right side with the number and the footnotes with Korean (institutional affiliation) and English (institutional affiliation and its address and e-mail). Correspondents should be marked with an * at the upper right part of the name. The source of funding should be marked with an 'a' at the upper right side by the footnote.

5. The key words should be under 5 lines and should be under either the Korean (Gothic Font) abstract or the English (Italic Capitalized) abstract. However, these key words should not be the words that are used in the title. Scientific names should be written as the following example: (ex. Lespedeza maximowiczii var. tomentella Nakai)

6. While tables and figures should be presented in English, if Korean is required to be used, both Korean and English should be used together. The title of the table should be above the table, and the title of the figure should be at the bottom of the figure. Tables and figures should be attached to the extra pages, and the page numbers should be presented in the body of the text. If figures in a submitted manuscript are not clear, the manuscript cannot be submitted.

7. A specimen proof should be mentioned for biota papers. Otherwise, that manuscript cannot be submitted.

8. The citation in the body of the text should be written in English. When the body of the text cites references, a single-author should be written such as Watson (1953), two-authors should be written such as Mayer and Greenwood (1962), more than three authors should be written such as Harrington et al. (1972). If a citation is mentioned at the end of the sentence, the author(s) and the publication year should be put inside the parentheses as the following: single author (Watson, 1953), two authors (Watson and Crick, 1963), and more than three authors (Watson et al., 1970). If there are more than two citations, the earlier year should come first such as the following: (Watson, 1953; Watson and Crick, 1963; Watson et al., 1970). If there are two or more citations from the same authors, it can be written such as the following: (Kim, 1990a; 1990b).

9. The reference list should be written as clearly as below:
1) Korean manuscripts in journals
Oh, K.K. and T.H. Kwon(1996) Edge Vegetation Structure in Odaesan National Park. Kor. J. Env. Eco. 9(2): 202-210. (in Korean with the English abstract)
2) Korean Books
Park, C.H.(1961) Applied Ecology(2nd ed.). Hongmun sa, Seoul, 299pp. (in Korean)
3) Do not make a citation with articles or reports without the English title or the English abstract.

10. Only references that are cited in the manuscripts should be listed. Korean or other Oriental documents should be listed in the order of the Korean pronunciation (가, 나, 다), and others should be listed alphabetically as following:
1) For the title of the European and American books, reports, and magazines, the first letter of the words should be capitalized. For the title of the edit pattern of the Korean books or reports, single quotation marks (' ') should be used.
2) Journal articles
Oh, K.K. and T.H. Kwon(1996) Edge Vegetation Structure in Odaesan National Park. Kor. J. Env. Eco. 9(2): 202-210.
3) Special issued journal articles
Westrin, C.G.(1973) Low back sicklisting: Anosolo gical and medical insurance investi gation. Scand J. Soc. Med. 7(Suppl.): 1-17.
4) Unpublished data or personal communications
Doe, J.M. Iowa College of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa (unpublished data).
5) Books
Park, C.H.(1961) Applied Ecology(2nd ed.). Hong munsa, Seoul, 299pp.
6) Book chapters or paragraphs
Erickson, L.E. and G. Fredrickson(1990) Phylogeny and ontogeny of the thyroid gland. In: M.A. Greer(ed.), The Thyroid Gland(2nd ed.), Raven Press, New York, pp. 1-36.
7) Books or articles in press
Blaker, A.A.(In press) Handbook for Scientific Photography, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
8) Symposiums
Raycroft, J.F. and B.H. Curtis(1996) Natural conservation and national park. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the Development of Tourism Supervised by Union of Naturalist at Seoul, Academic Press, Philadelphia, pp. 17-23.
9) Proceedings
Park, P.P.(1990) Microdistribution of fresh water fishes in Cheju island. Presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences, Cheju, Korea, October 27-29, pp. 7-8.
10) Thesis / Dissertations
Lauer, G.J.(1993) The bottom fauna of two saline lakes in the Grand Coulee. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., 188pp.
11) Reports
Bye, J.A.T.(1990) Study on the development of culture techniques. Flinders Institute for Atmos pheric and Marine Sciences Res. Rep. 34, Bedford Park, Australia, 17pp.
12) Series
Ramming, H. and Z. Kowalik(1989) Biotechnology in the Marine Sciences. Elsevier, Aquaculture Series, 25. Elseveir, Amsterdam, 175pp.
13) In reports, proceedings, dissertations etc., if no author's name is present, the groups or institutes of the publisher can replace the author's name.
HRS(1988) Technical and economic overview of aquaculture. HRS Annual Report, Wallingford, U.K., pp. 16-20.