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ISSN : 1229-3857(Print)
ISSN : 2288-131X(Online)
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology Vol.38 No.6 pp.614-633

Community Structure and Vegetation Succession of Zelkova serrata Forest Stands in South Korea

Seong-Yeob Byeon2, I-Seul Yun3, Jeong-Eun Lee4, Chung-Weon Yun5*
2Urban Biodiversity Division, Sejong National Arboretum, Sejong 30106, Korea
3Urban Biodiversity Division, Sejong National Arboretum, Sejong 30106, Korea
4Dept. of Forest Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-802, Korea
5Dept. of Forest Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-802, Korea


The Zelkova genus is globally recognized as being predominantly endangered, emphasizing its high conservation value. And, Zelkova serrata, a native species in Korea, has been classified as Near Threatened(NT) in worldwide. The purpose of this study was to analyze the vegetation classification, species composition, and to investigate the characteristics of native habitat with the 125 vegetation data in Z.serrata forest. Based on species composition, the vegetation was categorized into 4 vegetation units and 7 species group types. The hierarchy of the Z.serrata community group was represented by the Lindera erythrocarpa community (subdivided Pinus densiflora group and Carpinus tschonoskii group) and Neolitsea sericea community. Successional tendency of Z.serrata forest based on the importance of each layer is predicted to be total of three types such as to maintain the stand, to success the Acer pictum var. mono forest, and to success Neolitsea sericea–Carpinus turczaninovii forest. Therefore, for the systematic preservation of zelkova trees, a management plan for each type of transition should be prepared.

우리나라 느티나무 임분의 군집구조와 식생천이

변성엽2, 윤이슬3, 이정은4, 윤충원5*
2국립세종수목원 도시생물다양성실 대리
3국립세종수목원 도시생물다양성실 주임
4공주대학교 산림과학과 박사
5공주대학교 산림과학과 교수



