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ISSN : 1229-3857(Print)
ISSN : 2288-131X(Online)
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology Vol.38 No.6 pp.646-656

Analysis of Potential Habitats for Beech Species (Fagus spp.) Using SDM

Kyeong-Rok Kim2, Song-Hyun Choi3*
2Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Republic of Korea
3Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Republic of Korea


The genus Fagus, a representative group of temperate broadleaf forests in the Northern Hemisphere, includes the Fagus multinervis, which is native to Ulleungdo Island in Korea. This study aimed to assess the potential possibility for the growth of Fagus spp. on the Korean mainland from a climatic perspective. To achieve this, the Maximum Entropy model analysis, machine learning among the species distribution models (SDM), was conducted. The analysis was conducted using four cases: Case1_Fm (focused solely on F. multinervis), Case2_Fmj (combining F. multinervis and F. japonica), Case3_Fmc (combining F. multinervis and F. crenata), Case4_Fmjc (combining all three species) and the type created by overlapping the analyses of each species (Case5_Ovlp). The results showed that Case1_Fm had almost no potential for growth on the Korean mainland, while Case2_Fmj to Case5_Ovlp indicated low growth potential in some areas along the east coast. The key environmental variables influencing growth were the maximum temperature of the warmest month (Bio5) and precipitation seasonality (Bio15). Additionally, using WorldClim's Bioclim environmental variables, the study analyzed the environmental characteristics of the entire South Korea, the east coast areas with potential growth, and the occurrence points of the three Fagus spp. Unlike the overall average in Korea, the east coast areas and F. multinervis occurrence points showed less seasonal temperature variation and lower precipitation variability, indicating weaker seasonality. The findings of this study are expected to serve as fundamental data for the cultivation of Fagus spp. as landscaping trees.

종분포모형을 이용한 너도밤나무속(Fagus spp.) 생육가능지역 분석

김경록2, 최송현3*
2부산대학교 대학원 조경학과 석사과정
3부산대학교 조경학과 교수



