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ISSN : 1229-3857(Print)
ISSN : 2288-131X(Online)
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology Vol.38 No.6 pp.657-671

Habitat Types and Ecological Characteristics of Iris koreana Nakai, a Rare and Endemic Plant

I-Seul Yun2†, Keum -Seon Jeong3†, Seong-Yeob Byeon4†, Dong-Pil Jin5†, Chan-Beom Kim6†, Hak-Koo Kim7†, Jung-Hun Pi8*
2Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (
3Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (
4Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (
5Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (
6Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (
7Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (
8Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, Sejong 30106, Korea (


This study aimed to develop a conservation model for the rare and endemic plant Iris koreana Nakai by examining the community structure of its native habitats and analyzing ecological information, including environmental factors, to facilitate effective conservation and utilization. From March to August 2021, a total of 15 native habitats of I. koreana were surveyed, resulting in the identification of four vegetation units and seven community types. Importance value analysis indicated three distinct trends: succession driven by Quercus serrata (vegetation unit 1), stabilization communities dominated by Q. serrata and Fraxinus rhynchophylla (vegetation unit 2), and competitive communities among co-occurring species (vegetation units 3 and 4). Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) analysis suggested that soil environmental factors exhibited significant correlations. Based on the survey findings, a conservation model was proposed that focuses on dominant species and key environmental variables across different stratifications. It is anticipated that the implementation of this conservation model for establishing ex-situ conservation sites will enhance ongoing monitoring of population dynamics and microenvironmental factors, thereby contributing to the formulation of effective strategies for species conservation.

희귀·특산식물 노랑붓꽃의 자생지 유형 및 생태적 특성

윤이슬2†, 정금선3†, 변성엽4†, 진동필5†, 김찬범6†, 김학구7†, 피정훈8*
2한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 주임
3한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 팀장
4한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 대리
5한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 대리
6한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 팀장
7한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 주임
8한국수목원정원관리원 도시생물다양성실 실장



